Sunday, May 23, 2010

Stop Diversion of Agriculture Farm land

We all know how important are Urban green open space for crowed city, we are lucky that our city Surat has a large open space in the form of agriculture research farm amidst high rise buildings.

With our city getting filled up with concrete structures, hundreds of new vehicles adding on our roads daily, thousand of Air conditioners, refrigeration, computer and TV etc all producing pollution and heat creating green house gas over our city day and night, is it not of prime importance to keep the Urban open green space forever and protect them from getting built up?

We are not against 5 Star hotels or development, but large open green spaces are very important, as they are green lungs for our over crowded city. Five star hotels can buy land wherever they want, but if it is given from this farm, tomorrow some more land will be released for some other concrete structures and gradually the green open space will vanish for ever.

This farm should be made into a permanent no construction zone with at least 90% tree cover, make public park, walking/jogging track, skating rink swimming pools, cycling track, play ground for school children, open air amphitheater, water recharging lakes and large rain water reservoirs can be made below the park, Cities like New York has large central park amidst high rise building, we can definitely take example from it. See the attached photo, how even New York, with its costly real estate manages to keep the city lungs intact.

Give your opinion on 98250 57678 (by sms) or post comments below.

World Bio Diversity Day celebration

NATURE CLUB SURAT celebrated world biodiversity day on 22 May 2010 at Vulture feeding site Hazira, Surat.
Conservator of forest Surat Mr.D.B.Ande, DFO Mr.Prajapati and various media representatives visited the vulture feeding site at Hazira. Today there were about 75 vultures at 7:30am.
Mr.Ande saw the road being made by L&T and Nature Club Surat to the feeding site. Mr.Ande informed us that they have given proposal to make fencing in 6 hectares area to protect the feeding site (We sincerely hope that the fencing is made at the earliest as dog population over here has started increasing, which disturbs the vultures). N.C.S's three wheeler vehicle was appreciated by media representatives.

Conservator of Forests Mr Ande and DFO Mr Prajapati with President Snehal Patel